Your privacy is important to us

With your consent (Accept), we would like to use two cookies to customize our website. For this we use a tool (Matomo) installed on our server. The anonymous statistical data is neither transmitted to third parties nor used for profiling. Our website also uses Mendable, an AI Chat Search Service. In order to provide this service, Mendable may use cookies. These cookies are used to aid Mendable in offering a better user experience, as well as assisting us in understanding and enhancing the way our website is utilized. By using our website and agreeing to this policy, you are consenting to our use of cookies in accordance with the terms of this policy. You can revoke your consent at any time.

Cookie information

  • Technical necessary cookies
  • Statistic cookies
  • More information
Technical necessary cookies

It is a technical session cookie of the software that delivers the website and possibly a cookie that documents your consent.

Statistic cookies

With a session cookie (_pk_ses.1...) we can understand which pages are visited and where there may be problems (so-called aborts).

With a permanent cookie (_pk_id.1..., 13 months) we want to recognize whether you belong to the group of return visitors.

More information

You can find details about cookies here: Cookies

You can find details about the statistics here: Matomo

Privacy policy



Turn your company data into strategic expertise!

Your search for additional skilled workers ends here, as we double the productivity of your existing workforce with AI assistance.
Genius Alliance AwardSieger Phase 1

Our Partners

Founders Hub
Microsoft Partner
Gefördert durch Bayern
Genius Alliance Logo
KI Bundesverband
Startup Program
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz
KI Park
Microsoft Partner
Startup Program
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz
Genius Alliance Logo
KI Bundesverband
Genius Alliance Black and White Logo
Gefördert durch Bayern
Founders Hub
Use Cases

Unlocking the Power of AI

Explore the diverse applications of our AI technology, optimizing your everyday business operations.  Discover how AI can drive your goals forward.

Process Assistant

A process assistant supports workflows such as onboarding new employees by providing information, managing access data and helping with questions. To develop such assistants, we use LangGraph, a modern framework for advanced AI applications.

Knowledge Assistant

A knowledge assistant with database connection, perplexity, multi-agents and agents is an advanced AI application that provides precise information and efficiently handles complex queries through specialized agents and templates.

Marketing Assistant

The Marketing Assistant is your new companion for a consistent and professional brand language. You ensure that all marketing texts, whether newsletters, social media posts or emails, are always consistent with your company's brand identity.

Data Analysis Assistant

A tool to help companies gain valuable insights from their data. Using text-to-SQL technology and interactive Power BI dashboards, the assistant enables intuitive and precise analysis of customer feedback, support tickets and social media comments. Companies can use it to ask complex data queries in natural language, generate automatic reports and gain deeper insights into their business processes.
Pricing Plan

Explore Our
Flexible Pricing Plans

Coming soon
/ Per Month & User

Available for five users or more

Compare Plans
Best in Class AI
10 Template Agents
GPT personalities
Own data cloud connection
No limits on data
Query system/cooperative work with GPT
Multi-agent system - assign complex orders
Enterprise & API
Upon request

Variable number of users

Send Message
Best in Class AI
Variable number of Agents
GPT personalities
Tailored data management
Tier 1 support for all systems
Exclusive data management
Compare Plans

Workshops and training

Our workshops support companies in dealing with Large Language Models and GPT-like algorithms. The content of the workshops is tailored to the individual requirements of our customers.

Integration in Webshops
Find out how you can seamlessly integrate Atthene into your webshop. Expand the capabilities of your eCommerce store and offer personalized buying experiences.
costumer care
Use as an FAQ bot
Automate answers to frequently asked questions to increase customer satisfaction and reduce the burden on customer support.
user connection icon
Internal communication
Optimize internal communication and knowledge transfer in your company by creating a knowledge base and easy access to information.

Trusted by

RAW Partner
RAW Partner

A privacy-compliant replacement for language models like ChatGPT that does not require its own data.

Artificial Intelligence
Storage Networks
P2P Networks
Knowledge Data
Encrypted Private
Simple knowledge management for every company
Are you looking for an AI-solution that works at the level of ChatGPT but at the same time complies with the strict German data protection guidelines?
Then ATTHENE GPT is exactly the right thing for your company!
Learn more

Don’t wait any longer – start the future of work now!

Transform your business and increase the productivity of every employee through our unique AI assistant. Join the revolution and reap the benefits of a more efficient, productive and happier work environment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Contact us for more information

How secure is my data with ATTHENE?

Your data is secure with Atthene. Our platform is specifically designed to comply with the data protection regulations of the European Union (GDPR), ensuring that your data and sensitive information are protected in accordance with European data privacy standards. Unlike some other language models, we meet these strict requirements and are committed to safeguarding your data. Additionally, we use closed LLM instances to minimize the risk of disclosing company secrets. Your data privacy and security are our top priorities.


How does it work?

Atthene utilizes advanced Large Language Models (LLMs) based on the GPT-3 model developed by OpenAI. These models have been trained on vast amounts of text data to understand and generate human-like text. When you interact with Atthene, it processes your queries, searches its knowledge base, and generates responses that aim to be informative and helpful.


Will I be able to embed Atthene into my website?

Yes, you can easily embed Atthene into your website with a simple integration process. This allows you to provide AI-powered assistance and information to your website visitors


Which Data Formats Can Atthene Handle?

Atthene is a versatile platform that supports various data formats. These include text data such as documents, articles, emails, and customer inquiries that can be processed and generated. Atthene also enables handling structured data from databases and tables, including queries, analysis, and presentation of such data. The platform can analyze customer data to gain insights into preferences and behavior, while extracting valuable market insights from market research and financial reports is also possible. Atthene can even generate and manage product information and assist in summarizing and extracting information from legal documents. Furthermore, it can access FAQs and knowledge databases, providing consistent responses to customer queries.


What is your class naming convention?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

The basis for data security

Start with ATTHENE now!

Do you have any questions or do you need further information? Our friendly and competent support team is available to you at any time. Contact us by email, telephone or via our contact form on our website.

Office setting

Niemand braucht noch eine Projektmanagement-Software.

Aber wir alle brauchen intelligente Unterstützung.

Atthene ist Modular aufgebaut und entwickelt sich stetig fort. Jedes Modul baut auf das Vorherige auf und erweitert den gesamten Funktionsumfang.

Modul 1


Die Grundlage. Planung, Zeiterfassung und Priorisierung bilden den Grundbaustein, um die grundlegenden Bausteine im Office Alltag zu ordnen.

Modul 2

E-Mail Assistent

Die täglichen Kommunikationskanäle mittels KI meistern. Priorisierung, automatisierte Zusammenfassung und automatisierte
Antworten Generierung.


In Kürze erhältlich

Geplante Features und Releases

Erhalte Einblick in die nächsten Module und beeinflusse die Entwicklung durch Votings und eigene Vorschläge. Folge uns und sei auf dem Laufenden zu neuen Releases

Your activity
Matias Espinoza
Your Goals
Profile picture
A glimpse into the future - planned features
Financial Data
Keep track of your company finances
Give up monotonous tasks and have more time
Project status
Always up to date on the status of the project
Automated classification, consultation and rescheduling