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Meet the core team

Behind every successful company is a passionate, people-oriented IT.
Felix Meusel
Felix Meusel
Founder & CEO
Bachelor of Arts in Economics with Business Informatics and Artificial Intelligence.
Max Klein
Max Klein
Founder & CTO
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with a specialization in IT Security and a minor in Psychology.
Swetlana Klein
Swetlana Klein
Head of Design
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Graphic Design. Specialization in Interface Design and User Experience.
Dr. Felix Ulmer Zhuo
Years of experience in sales coordination. Specialized in developing successful sales strategies and leading international teams.

Working with purpose

Icon Berg

Transform tasks

Arttac Solutions has made it its mission to enrich daily life in the office and at home. We create innovations to transform complex tasks into seamless processes, allowing our customers to focus on their priorities.

Icon Sterne

We automate the boring things!

We firmly believe in the limitless potential of each individual. We are committed to improving the working environment for everyone. Or, to put it simply: "We automate the boring things!"



It was started by two guys with the same mission.
Our story starts 2017 ... Strap in.

May 2017
Both founders, Max Klein and Felix Meusel, wanted to develop a program that would make life easier for people. They are from Nuremberg and studied economics and computer science at the Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen where they got to know each other and wanted to start a joint project right from the start.
First App of arttac solutions


word crossing

ART_ for the creative
 TECH _for the technology

July 2019
After an internship at a big lawyer company Felix catches the first offer for the company in spring 2019 and they decided to found arttac solutions in memory of the first project.
Arttac Logo
August 2020
During their work in big companies they mentioned lots of problems in the office and homeoffice day to day work. So they decided to build a system that was able to help with those problems. They started to create an algorithm that was capable to organise the flood of emails and structure it. Along with the desire for a simple time tracking, the basis for Atthene was created. With the help of Tiktrac, the self-programmed time recording system, work orders can be recorded and distributed simply and easily.

This time recording system is still the core of the base system today. With its user-friendly interface and uncomplicated handling, it makes everyday life much easier for employees.

July 2021
Arttac has been an official Microsoft partner since July 2021. Microsoft is the software on which the complete system is concentrating for data collection.
Microsoft Partner
September 2021
ATTHENE gets support by the bavarian state ministry for economics, energy and technology. Yeww! 🎉
gefördert durch Bayern

“the research funding has created a good basis and security to get started with the company project. We are very grateful to got this chance!”

Felix, Co-founder of Atthene

Today arttac solutions is a team run by three guys with the same mission in life - to make our working lives the easiest as possible trough effectiveness. Because we are trying always to automate the boring stuff!