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Cookie information

  • Technical necessary cookies
  • Statistic cookies
  • More information
Technical necessary cookies

It is a technical session cookie of the software that delivers the website and possibly a cookie that documents your consent.

Statistic cookies

With a session cookie (_pk_ses.1...) we can understand which pages are visited and where there may be problems (so-called aborts).

With a permanent cookie (_pk_id.1..., 13 months) we want to recognize whether you belong to the group of return visitors.

More information

You can find details about cookies here: Cookies

You can find details about the statistics here: Matomo

Privacy policy


Atthene the Playground for Companies and Employees

Write me the invitation for our summer party in July and tell me about the highlights that we will be presenting there in a talk about the new product “Chickentracker”.
How to write the following letter eloquently in English: Dear Sir or Madam, …
What is Simon Marius’s role at Nova AG?
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Data protection compliant and therefore secure
Custom GPTs and thus development of own, suitable use cases
Best-in-class Attene GPT
The cheapest entry-level option for companies to get to know AI, assess the benefits for the company, and develop their own important use cases
Familiarization with any area of ​​interest using the integrated assistant
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